Saturday, 28 January 2017

50 Fathoms - The Prince - Sessions Fourteen - Sixteen - Never punch a velociraptor.

50 Fathoms

Sessions 14 -16 The Prince

The Party:

Urghh - Half Ugak Bloodthirsty Sailor - Aaron

Flynt - Delusional Human Merchant - Charlie

Obadiah Merle - Squanderous Human Rifleman - Garry

Kuthelaquin - Kraken Water Mage - Rob

The intrepid crew sailed for home after their adventure retrieving the heart of the poor unfortunate Tressa.  Sailing uneventfully back to Babylon Bay, they took some time off and let the crew relax and recover and decided what to do next.  Having literally no idea what was meant by "what was lost by the Kraken" meant, they decided to head to Brigandy Bay for some investigation into King Amemnus' sword and where it might be.  Kuthelaquin also opened some sort of gift/relic shop called "Kuthelaquin's Curios" for the transient trade that was starting to appear in Babylon Bay.

Heading north towards the bay, they met a merchant ship that hailed them, conveniently, the Coalition in Brigandy Bay was looking for the fearless crew of the Binkley.  Word had reached the Coalition that the British East India company was funding an armada and invasion of the pirate free town, lead by Admiral Duckworth.  The Coalition was looking for any ship to align with them to repulse the attack.  The crew discussed this and realised that they were indeed pirates now and their piratical brethren needed their help.

Sailing into the bay, they met with the Coalition and offered their services, a cunning plan to flank the attacking fleet was formed, with a fleet of 5 ships to Duckworth's 6.  As the invading fleet moved to attack, the Binkley flanked them and proceeded to hammer 2 of the ships to pieces with will placed broadsides.  Urghh boarded one of the ships, swinging from the rigging and engaging the crew in brutal hand to hand combat so fearlessly, the entire crew surrendered.  The hastily erected coastal batteries lashed the remaining ships with cannonballs so badly that Duckworth retreated, the HMS Justice badly damaged but still afloat.

Heroes of the battle, the crew caroused with the victorious pirates and were famous amongst their pirate comrades.  During the celebration, Flynt overheard some old salts talking about a Prince, who was last seen Tulago, where the infamous pirate L'Ollonaise was laying waste to, his fleet ransacking and plundering the coast.  Realising they were talking about Prince Alain, heir to the throne of Orgrapog, son of King Amemnus.  Negotiating with the men, Ennis Eng offered them 10000 pieces of eight to rescue the Prince and return him to Brigandy Bay.  The crew readily agreed and made for the Binkley.

Heading around the coast and across to the west, the crew headed for Tulago.  Their plan was to land covertly near where the fleet was laying waste to the coast and travel overland to rescue the Prince.

Finding a secluded bay, they weighed anchor and headed inland towards Tulago.  As night approached they crept to the summit of a small hill overlooking the town.  They could see that the 300 or so pirates of the fleet had scattered the townsfolk and were looting the place.  Waiting until full dark, the crew stealthily made their way into the town.  Grabbing two of the drunk pirates off the street they hustled them into a smithy and proceeded to torture information out of them.  Urghh as chief torturer managed to determine that the Prince was being held in a storeroom off the main square and L'Ollonaise was resting in a large house to the north of the centre of town.  Covering their assault with a magically summoned storm, Urghh walked boldly to the storeroom, kicked the door in and proceeded to butcher the 2 pirates left to guard the captive. The rescued a gracious Alain, then decided that L'Ollonaise would be better off dead too. 

Again, Urghh fearlessly strode across the square, killed the two guards with the help of Merle and kicked the door in to confront L'Ollonaise.  After a short brutal fight, they eventually killed the pirate leader and ransacked the body.  Taking his weapons, Merle discovered a map stitched into his coat lining and cut it free.  The crew then made a hasty retreat back into the hills and back to the Binkley.

Heading back to Brigandy Bay, the crew made their way back to meet Ennis Eng and collect their reward.  In the ramshackle tavern, they instantly suspected a trap, Eng was reticent about payment and was covered by hired brawlers.  As usual, Urghh took offence at Eng's stalling tactics and attacked.  After a short brutal melee, ending with Urghh's axe neatly thudding into Eng's back as he made a run for it, the crew decided to help the Prince back to safety.  He was given funds enough to return to a safe port, and thanked them profusely.  After this, he sheepishly admitted that L'Ollonaise had taken his father's sword and given it as a gift to Blackbeard.  Somewhat miffed, and after some smooth talking, Urghh was talked out of eviscerating the Prince and he was let go.

After examining the treasure map from L'Ollonaise, Kuthelaquin realised that one of the geographical formations was Monkape rock, a simian shaped landmark on Bluth's Crown.  The crew set sail immediately to the south west to find what they hoped to be a kings ransom, literally.  

After they made their way to Bluth's Crown, as they were weighing anchor, they saw a small Spanish merchant ship making into the bay laden with supplies for the mages.  Thinking nothing of it, they headed into the interior of the island to look for the landmarks on the map. After several false starts, they eventually managed to triangulate the treasure and realised it was hundreds of feet above them in a small cave in the cliff side.  Climbing up to the cave, they found the poisoned bodies of the crew L'Ollonaise left behind, and a small patch of disturbed earth.  Hastily digging, they failed to notice the booby trap left behind and it detonated a keg of gunpowder, bringing the roof down on them.  Merle was quick enough to leap out of the cave mouth into the air, and using his magical tattoo he made a wobbling semi-circle, flying back to the ruins of the cave and started to dig out his comrades.  After freeing the crew, no serious injuries were incurred, and they eventually found the real treasure.  Disappointingly, the only magic relic they found was a mediocre hook.  

Returning to the bay, they were approached by Manuel Domingo, a water mage who told them that the merchant who had just dropped off supplies had told him that his younger brother Luis had been captured by the Kierans, and sent to the mines in the Coker Mountains.  Pleading for their help, he offered the sword La Espada De Vampiro to sweeten the deal.  The crew agreed to try to free his brother. 

Heading north-east on a fast course, the crew headed towards the Kieran empire and the Coker mountains.  As they approached, they spotted a Kieran cutter on patrol duty, but thanks to Merle's scout edge, they were able to avoid them and shadowed them until they found an unguarded cove to make landfall.

After heading inland towards the mines, they eventually came across a small procession of slaves with a guard detail.  Leaping to attack in an ambush, one of the guards startled by the bloodthirsty Urghh let fly with his musket, downing the ferocious Ugak and almost killing him; the rest of the crew were able to best the guards and Kuthelaquin's magic was able to heal the battered barbarian.  

The grateful slaves revealed that Luis had was being taken to Montano to be interrogated about his mage brother.  Freeing the slaves, the crew became rebel leaders to the poor slaves of the Kieran empire after Rob played the folk hero adventure card.  Making their way back to the Binkley, the swift sloop managed to catch up with the Kieran cutter and after a quick battle, the enemy ship surrendered and allowed their ship to be captured.  Putting aboard a prize crew and rescuing Luis, the cutter was sent back to Babylon Bay to act as a guard to the entrance to the town.  The Binkley headed back to  Bluth's Crown to receive their reward and the thanks of Manuel.  

After sailing back to Babylon Bay and resting up and restocking the Binkley, one of the traders passing through the settlement was directed to Kuthelaquin.  He told them that he had found strangely carved wood near a fantastical stretch of burning sea, with closer examination, the mage identified them as Kraken in origin, and rounded up the crew and informed them of the significance.  The crew quickly made sail after being given rough coordinates from the merchant, and after a few days came upon the burning sea.  Spotting a horribly burned Kraken in a dingy, they pulled him aboard and Kuthelaquin healed him as best he could.  Halimas told them that there was a relic of tremendous power inside the burning sea, and warned them of creatures in there that would attack them if they went in.  When asked what the relic was, he told the crew "a vast golden sphere, bigger than the Great ship"  Undaunted, the Binkley sailed into the fiery expanse of the burning sea.  With some deft navigation by Urghh, the ship came upon the enormous rune covered golden sphere.  

Merle used his flying ability to land ropes on the sphere to tow it out of the area, while he did so, burning salamanders erupted from the flames and attacked the crew.  After a fierce fight, the inhuman monsters were defeated and the Binkley headed slowly out of the burning sea, towing the impossibly huge relic.

Once out of the burning sea, they were approached by a colossal white vessel, the Kraken Great Ship.  Hailed aboard, the crew were taken before Admiral Caspian, leader of the Kraken people.  He told them that his people had been searching for the sphere for years, and they were to be commended for finding it.  He gave them a whistle to summon the Great Ship when the final battle came, telling them that the sphere would aid them against the Hags.

After the Great Ship left, the crew decided to head to New Madrid to look for rumours about the missing 2 golden triangles for the key to Redbeard Rufus' treasure.  Reaching the Spanish city, they docked and made their way into the bustling metropolis.  Immediately, they saw the posters advertising a contest in the town's arena between a matador and "a fast, clawed upright lizard".  It having been several days since Urghh's last kill, he barged his way to the front of the queue and made his mark.  The rest of the crew decided to take instruction at Juan Martinez' fencing academy.  After enjoying a few days training, the crew joined the thousands of spectators at the arena to watch the battle between man and beast.  Urghh was first choice for the contestant, possibly based on height and sheer amount of obvious weaponry.  The half-ugak was unfamiliar with Spanish bullfighting and was somewhat disgruntled to be sewn into a full matador suit, with dagger and rapier.

Alcarde Piros himself appeared, offering a toast to the warrior, Merle was there to make sure Urghh was ready for the battle and both joined in the toast, savouring the rich red wine.  All the crew of the Binkley had bet heavily for Urghh to win.  As the Ugak hero made his way to the arena, Merle felt sick and woozy, and realised that the wine had been drugged!  Fortunately, Urghh's near superhuman vigor was able to soak the sedated wine and he felt no ill effect.  

Contemptuously throwing away his rapier and dagger, Urghh decided to fight the lizard with his bare hands.  As the yellowback raptor and the Ugak engaged in combat, neither were able to get the upper hand, Urghh was whaling on the lizard, knocking it to the ground but doing no damage, the feisty raptor kept getting back up and trying to tear chunks out of the Red Man, the combat went on for 5 rounds, with the crowd going wild before it all went horribly wrong, the yellowback got in a lucky blow and tore a searing gash across Urghh's chest, he went down and failed to get back up, allowing the lizard to move in for the kill, bending down, it ripped his flesh apart until it was hastily leashed and dragged off by the arena attendants.

Bleeding out, Urghh was quickly revived by a lucky healing intervention by Kuthelaquin and swore revenge on the victorious raptor.

After allowing Urghh time to heal and completing their fencing training, marred only slightly by an attack by the rival school of Julio Ramirez's upstart students, the crew found a buccaneer by the name of Stumpy Pete in El Hoyo, one of the worst bars in New Madrid.

Stumpy Pete regaled them with a story about a huge treasure buried on a small island north of New Madrid, and mentioned that he had seem a strange golden triangle as part of the booty.  After agreeing to a 50% share, he revealed the location of the booty and went with the crew to find it.

Heading north and with the help of Stumpy Pete they found the small mesa like island, and climbed up to the jungly plateau where the treasure was buried.  Amidst the ruins of an ancient Ograpog hunting estate, they found the treasure along with a golden triangle and a strange shrunken head.  The mummified head awoke and informed them that it was effectively a weapon to be used against the Hags.  As soon as the head awoke, loud crashing could be heard from the jungle as trees were uprooted and flung aside.  Preparing for battle, the crew saw an enormous rotting figure tear from the bush, an undead gigantic monkape dragging a tree as a club.  

Unfazed, and unafraid, the heroic crew opened fire, with Urghh and Merle leaping into combat, with a few incredibly lucky axe blows, the undead monstrosity was dispatched.  

Returning to the ship, they all decided to head north to the Cold Sea.

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